Human Resources Development

Long Term Training Programs

DED(SE-IDD) Regular Course with 2 Years duration and 30 intake is proposed.

Short Term Training Programmes

Awareness/Sensitization Programs-

We organize and conduct the Short-Term Training Programmes [STTP] to enhance the awareness, knowledge and skills of Persons with Disabilities, Rehabilitation Professionals, Persons those who work for rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities directly or indirectly with collaboration of various GOs & NGOs.

Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE)-

We organize & conduct RCI New Delhi’s accredited Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) program to upgrade the knowledge and skills of Rehabilitation professionals working in the Disability sector with credit points regularly.

Parents Training Programmes-

We organize & conduct parents training programs to empower the Parents of Children with Special needs about various rehabilitative schemes of central government/state governments.

We train to parents about various aspect of rehabilitation too.